MyTAG’s cloud-based solutions use proprietary software and Trusted NFC Tags to keep buildings safe and secure. All our applications sit on a single platform, allowing you to tailor a solution to meet your specific needs. We will be showcasing our Security, Compliance, Fire Safety and Health & Safety solutions.

MyTAG Security Patrols provides proof of patrol details, including time and location, and is integrated with Daily Occurrence Log which allows all incidents to be reported, categorised and analysed. 

MyTAG Key and Asset management helps improve management of portable assets, such as keys and bicycle. Assets are tagged and checked out with an agreed return time, letting you know the whereabout of each asset. This saves time and money chasing or replacing missing assets.

MyTAG Proof of ID is our patented secure ID card solution, which cannot be copied or cloned. All information is held in the cloud, allowing updates to be  m...

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